Healthy Fit Family

Did You Make a Weight Loss Resolution This Year?

If you are like many people, January 1st is the day you commit to eating healthy, exercising more, and losing weight! And, like the vast majority of people who make such resolutions (92% according to, by now you have all but given up. There are numerous reasons that most people can’t stick with their resolutions including the fact that they have made unreasonable goals that are not attainable or sustainable. Breaking the goals down into daily habits and weekly attainable goals – like drinking at least 6 glasses of water and exercising for 30 minutes every day is a much better way to make resolutions stick.

Here are some reasons you might not be succeeding with your health and fitness goals, and some tips to keep you on track.

Things That Might Sabotage Your Plan  

  1.  Eating out (or ordering out)  for lunch or dinner every day, or most days
  2. Not reading food labels
  3. Eating too fast
  4. Not making time for exercise
  5. Sitting, without a “break” at least once per hour
  6. Drinking soda – even diet soda (or any sugary drink)
  7. Not getting enough sleep
  8. Not getting enough fiber
  9. Not allowing a cheat here and there

Things that help to keep you on track

  1. Setting small, attainable, daily goals to help you reach your overall goal
  2. Thinking of it as a lifetime nutrition plan, not a “diet”
  3. Drinking plenty of water (6-8 glasses a day still holds true)
  4. Thinking of exercise as fun, and a family event
  5. Finding a workout buddy or accountability partner
  6. Enlisting the help and encouragement of friends and family
  7. Cooking simple nutritious foods at home
  8. Crowding out the bad foods with good nutrient-dense, fiber-rich foods
  9. Allowing for setbacks without giving up on the overall goal

Aside from being realistic about your goals, one of the most important things you can do both to avoid sabotaging yourself and keeping yourself on track is to stick with it!  No matter what gets in the way, or what derails you from time to time, make sure that as soon as possible, you get back on track.  Today is a great day to start – and your health depends on it!

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