I want to get really great at storing fat – said no one, ever! However, eating large amounts of processed foods will help you become a fat storage champ! Your insulin hormone can get overworked when the chemicals, sugars, sodium, and fat in highly processed foods become too much for the cells to absorb. In turn, the body, with the help of insulin, turns the extra junk into fat. Ugh! Just what we don’t want!
Did you know that 58% of the foods we eat in the US are highly processed and that 75% of Americans don’t get enough whole foods like fruits and vegetables? And, just to drive this point home, the food industry produces enough food for every person in the US to consume 4,000 calories per day – and not enough fruits and vegetables to meet dietary requirements? No wonder we are unhealthy and overweight!
If you just try a plant-based plan (where the majority of your food comes from plants) and add in some lean proteins and healthy fats, you could flip the switch from being a fat storage machine to a lean, mean, health machine. Just some (plant-based) food for thought!